The order of a portrait

If you want to order a portrait – there are no problems. Send me e-mail. The contact information is in section “contacts”. If you want to order a portrait I’ll need your photo, and it’ll better to have some photos – base and additional.

Example of a custom-made portrait with a photo you may see at the left. I travel often, and during one year I am in the several countries, therefore, probably, it will be difficult to draw a portrait from life. But if you want your portrait from a nature so we will need to agree upon meeting in advance.

Bespoke works are situated on this site in “Portrait Line” (at the request of the client the portrait is not exposed).

It is naturally the works on design of interiors require my personal presence. Write, call – shall discuss.

Interiors’ design order

Should tell, that in the event when it is necessary to attract other experts (it concerns, first of all, cases, when volume of civil work is great enough), all there projects will be carried out under my guidance. It is quite possible, that at realization of the project the foreign expert will be involved. Most important – quality, result and payment for work in the majority of the countries approximately identical.

As for the payment and documentary registration of the services – they can be anyone.

The separate site will be created which will be completely devoted to architecture, capital construction and design of interiors.